Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Spain..We Have Arrived

If I had anyone worried as to weather I would be posting any of my travels or not I apologize. Let’s just say I’ve been a little busy. It’s early to explain any lasting impressions this trip will have on me. Thus far, I have been left speechless.

As I arrived in Madrid and was greeted by a young lady from ICEX, I was all the sudden brought to Hotel Catalonia. It seemed almost fitting that my first stop in Spain carried a name tied to me and my family. My younger brother, Jeremy, has a Catalan Godfather, while my brother Marc and I are both tied to the Catalonian country through extensive visits. If I ever thought of something as being an omen or sign of good luck, this would be it. Needless to say, so far I have been right.

Only 2 hours in Spain and I was leaving on a bus to a town called Sigüenza. Unable to sleep for many hours, I couldn’t help but feel the excitement of discovering a new place and experiencing a different life.

Arriving in Sigüenza it was obviouse that this Feudal town was riddled with culture and history. Mainly defined by the Castillo Old Arabian alcazaba, the image of Sigüenza is modest and ancient.

A tour of the town, introduced by the mayor, explained the pueblos Morrish, Jewish and Roman influences while experts in Spanish Olive Oils and local cheeses gave everyone a peek into the current artisan nature of Sigüenza.

But a historical introduction and a few tastings in this humble town were only the beginning. I will follow up on the many food demonstrations and experiences that guided us further through Sigüenza's gastronomic culture including: a goat roast, discovering true Spanish Migas, the humble potaje, dinner at the castle, a live and wirey food competition followed by an amazing and deserving reception, a tour of an ancient salt mine, and drinking a purro with some of Spains most gastronomic figures.


Marc Pratta said...

Visca Catalunya!

Sounds like you hit the ground running on this trip. Enjoy it!

...and keep blogging, brother.

Renee Pratta ~ Renewed Rooms said...

Matthew...I'm so excited for you! I truly can't wait to read more.

Goat roasts...oh my and please explain what a purro is.

Was the competition for last years chosen chefs?

See, we want to hear more and more!

Love Mom

Jeremy Pratta said...

Wow... Sounds like things are really going good for you Matt. I'm really happy to hear that everything is what you thought it would be. Well make sure you keep us posted, now that you have my attention. Take care brother.